2016 Dinner Dance

Salon Of Culinary Art

Dear Exhibitors,

We regret to inform you that our Annual Salon of Culinary Arts at the Javits Center originally scheduled for November 2016 will not take place this year. The Société Culinaire Philanthropique is currently seeking new sponsorship and plans to hold its culinary show in 2017. We thank you for your faithful participation and look forward to seeing you at our next culinary show.

Any further updates will be posted on this website. In the meanwhile, we will keep the highlights of our 2015 show up and please do visit our Salon of Culinary Arts Photo Gallery for mouthwatering culinary creations.

The 147th Salon of Culinary Art, organized by the Société Culinaire Philanthropique, was held in conjunction with HX - The Hotel Experience Trade Show (formerly IHMRS), on Sunday, November 8th through Tuesday, November 10th at the Jacob Javits Convention Center, 11th Avenue at 34th Street, New York, NY.

Culinarian's Home Picnic Culinarian's Home Picnic Culinarian's Home Picnic Picnic Parade Picnic Parade

The Salon of Culinary Arts & Exhibition

The World’s Largest Freelance Culinary Art Exhibition

Each succeeding year, the Salon exhibits new arrangements and ideas designed to promote the culinary arts. It is a friendly exhibition open to all from professionals and students of the culinary industry to hobbyists who wish to showcase their artistic and creative skills. Each participant's unique craftsmanship is judged by international members of the hospitality industry and rewarded, on the basis of merit, with prizes ranging from certificates to medals, trophies and/or cash awards.

Free Live Demonstrations by Master Chefs and Industry Professionals

Apart from providing the benefits of tremendous exposure, the Salon of Culinary Arts is also a great opportunity to watch and learn from diverse industry experts performing live demonstrations. Many celebrated Master Chefs and Industry Professionals (Roland Mesnier, Dana Hebert, Susan Schultz, etc.) have already performed at the Salon and each year the demonstrations program continues to provide tips and tricks in a wide variety of skills from cake decorating, fruit & vegetable carving, the enhancement of holiday buffet tables to all forms of business enhancement such as improvement of your web image, simplifying social media needs, and much, much more!

Live Cake Decorating Challenge

This year’s novelty to the Salon is The Ultimate Cake Master Challenge, a live cake decorating competition! On Sunday, November 8th, 6 candidates will compete in presenting the best tasting and decorated 3-tier cake. The first 3 winners will receive medals and cash prizes of up to $1000 for the first place!

Salon Exhibit Winners’ Prize Money Has Been Increased and More Categories Have Been Added!

The Grand Prize Winner Of The Salon In Cooking or Pastry will receive the Medal of the French Government. The Grand Prize winner for Buffet Presentation will receive the Marc L. Sarrazin Trophy. The Prize of Honor winner will receive the Gold Medal of the Société Culinaire Philanthropique.